
Staying positive during Covid-19 at home by Azia Egbe, our assistant teacher.


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1. Keep busy to stay positive
It’s far too easy to lie in bed all day! Instead I would suggest picking up new hobbies or taking some exercise. Creative hobbies such as drawing, painting, writing, even making TikToks or picking back up a musical instrument you might not have played since prep school are all good. I feel these are things anyone could get good at with a bit of practice, and let’s face it, we have time! There are plenty of videos online which can help tutor you in some new skills.

2. Make sure to exercise
As well as your mental well being, it’s important to focus on your physical well being too. I think we all know the two are intrinsically linked. Whether this is by going for a walk, a run or doing some workouts at home, it’s key that your physical fitness doesn’t become forgotten. I’m finding running and yoga good for both. Yoga is a positive and productive way of keeping fit, it not only focuses on your core physical ability, but aids your mental health too. Youtube has plenty of resources.

3. Avoid overloading on social media
Mostly try not to become too engulfed in your social media. I totally get that at this stage it might be the only thing helping you keep your sanity, but some time away from the screen is really  important too. Try to take positive advantage of this time and not waste it all away online. Tough, but true. Spend quality time on yourself, because in the world we live in today, it’s very unlikely you will ever get another break from reality like this one! Don’t forget that everyone is in this situation together, and this will end. Although it might feel like a nightmare now, I can guarantee the world is still spinning. Stay safe.

4. Stick to the government advice
We have all broken up for the Easter holidays. The sun is out, the clocks have changed and spring is finally here. However this year no parties, no gatherings, no skiing holidays and no seeing friends.
Although this is really NOT ideal, it is however a time where we can prove to ourselves how strong we are as individuals, and help each other through this.

Azia Egbe, 12/4/2020

Creacción: 2020-04-14 21:04:15

Modificación: 2020-06-29 19:50:28