
European day of languages 2020


Throughout Europe, over 800 million Europeans are represented in the Council of Europe's 47 member states and all are encouraged to discover more languages at any age, as part of or alongside their studies. “Education begins with language”’ is the title of a new European Commission report, which looks into supporting   a comprehensive approach to the teaching and learning of languages.

This year´s event was streamed live online in English and interpreted into French, German and Italian. Topics such as the role of language competences in the context of the European Education Area, how to boost foreign language learning and how to incorporate language diversity and support literacy in all languages in schools were discussed. IES Cerro del Viento was present and registered at the virtual conference.

To celebrate the event at our school we have shared an extract of  our students´ work and contributions on this padlet.  Students have read poems and literary extracts, sang songs worked on their digital competences creating infographics, artistic posters and designs, read stories and made audiobooks.  Projects have been also hang on our Bilingual board in the school´s hall.  IES Cerro del  viento´s work has  been shared on our European eTwinning  Euritage ID project  which refers to the social and educational value of European cultural heritage as a source of our identification (Europe + heritage + identification = Euritage ID). The main goal of the project is to exchange good practices in the field of education-centred activities around European cultural and artistic heritage.

Congratulations to all participants!



Creacción: 2020-10-27 21:28:37

Modificación: 2020-10-29 23:29:37