
Europe Day2022


Europe Day held on the 9th  of May every year celebrates peace and unity in Europe. At “IES Cerro del Viento” our History and Geography Department has been working on different aspects of the topic. Students from 2nd ESO have created a UE map, studying the countries, flags, motto and anthem of the Union.  Our 3rd ESO students have studied the EU institutions that make cooperation possible. Finally, our 4th ESO students have made a timeline about our shared history since the singing of the “Schuman Declaration” on 9 May 1950 to today. Europe Day is a day to celebrate peace and unity throughout Europe. On this day, it is our collective duty to revitalize the European dream and re-invigorate European integration.

Creacción: 2022-05-16 10:22:32

Modificación: 2022-05-16 10:23:23