

Students from 2º, 3º and 4º ESO have made soap in the physics and chemical laboratory with Ms Silvia Jiménez Pino to be sold at the charity market that we have had in June in our School for fundraising


 For this activity the department has had the collaboration of our conversation assistant Laura Molano and the processes have been worked on in English to extend students scientific language and skills. Students have worked in pairs and have been able to handle specific laboratory material such as beakers, balances, glass and plastic pipettes as well as volumetric flasks. To make soap, each couple has measured 50 g of olive oil, 12.5 g of coconut oil and, after mixing they have poured 34 g of a solution that the teacher had prepared with 85 g of caustic soda and 255 g distilled water. Once stared for half an hour, the blended solution has been set it in different shaped moulds, which were chosen by our students. The final product created are very well presented and we have sold out all of the production. Congratulations to all the participants of the activity!!!!

Creacción: 2023-06-19 11:41:15

Modificación: 2023-06-24 12:44:08