


As the song goes, “and so this is Xmas, and what have we done ...”,  2021 has undoubtedly flown by! Another year is over and a New one just to come. Let´s hope for the best for 2022!

It is to say that although last year’s Christmas was one many would rather forget, as families were prevented from spending traditional dinners for Christmas and New Year´s Eve together due to the Pandemic, 2021 Xmas is, at present, looking much brighter.

With  Christmas  Day  almost here, the time has come for empathy,  Season´s Greetings, Xmas carol singing,  shopping for gifts, enjoying festive markets, Ice skating, pantomime fun, and planning where and what to have for Christmas dinner. However, with Covid cases on the rise once again, its common sense to be on the watch and take care using both social distance measures and masks for prevention.  So, remember:  ”You´d better watch out!

From the Bilingual Project team of IES Cerro del Viento, we would like to share our students´ greetings and their Xmas selection of carols and songs which are a great motivation to enjoy the season´s magic.  A big thank you to all the School´s  Bilingual Community for their good spirit and high participation.  Merry Xmas to all!!

Coordinator, K. Quill

Creacción: 2021-12-21 22:55:46

Modificación: 2021-12-21 22:55:46