
9 May, Europe Day by Azia Egbe



When you travel to other countries in Europe, or meet other Europeans in Spain, do you feel a sense of accord with them? Do you notice the similarities in your collective cultures? Or do you regard them as totally foreign people? In my experience as an American, I find Europe to be full of countries with different cultures while maintaining a strong unilateral undertone. What does this mean? Well, I find Europeans to be generally well put together, whether they participate in fashion trends or not. Most European cultures value family and quality time. There is an abundance of art and artifacts in Europe, most notably the architecture, which can be still functional today. Most of all, there is a presence of many languages, and many people are at least somewhat bilingual.

Europe Day is celebrated on May 9 by many governments and countries across the continent. Events are organized for all age groups to tell the history of Europe and promote unity. In Luxembourg people dressed in traditional clothing can be seen dancing in a crowd. Europe Day festivities can probably be compared to the Fourth of July in the United States. In the US, Fourth of July is a time to celebrate the history of the country and there are just as many group activities. Europe has so much diversity and history to celebrate it’s only fitting to have an official holiday.


In 2021, nearly 40 years after Europe day was made an official holiday, do you recognize any characteristics of a successful Pan-European identity? Can you instantly recognize the European Motto, Anthem or Flag? Is it convenient to be able to travel and use the same currency no matter where you go? Typically, this holiday would be celebrated with debates, visits to government buildings, and activities for all age groups. However this year, with coronavirus still a threat, it will most likely be celebrated virtually or on a smaller scale. Do you plan on participating in Europe Day festivities this year? How?

For more information visit:

Azia Egbe, Conversation Auxiliary 2021


Creacción: 2021-05-05 04:20:24

Modificación: 2021-05-05 04:28:07